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TRACXS Strategy
Provide the customer with better quality by meeting their needs, and at the same time increase productivity.
Design Method
Document customer needs; evaluate and validate them; design and manufacture what is needed; identify areas where improvements can be made; implement them.

Eight Phases To Implement The TRACXS Strategy
  • Establish a management team to oversee a program to manage the design process.
  • Train the staff how to use TRACXS, and work in cross-functional, project oriented teams.
  • Assign projects to teams, and identify measurable objectives for projects.
  • Capture, evaluate, and validate customer’s needs.
  • Develop, review, test, adjust, and approve the proposed design and manufacturing process.
  • As design improvements appear, repeat the develop, review, test, adjust and approve cycle.
  • Monitor and record complaints and adjust the needs, design and manufacturing process as needed.
  • Periodically evaluate project performance and efficiency, and assign new projects and objectives.


Process Management Details

Managing the design process starts with senior management council assigned the task of defining and managing the design process.

To manage the process the steps involved in the design process need to be sequenced. The resources needed for a typical design need to be understood. Important steps in the design process are:

  • Determining customer needs
  • Defining functional requirements including:
  • ...Reliability,
  • ...Maintenance and repair,
  • ...Human factors
  • Describing the design parameters including the components and details
  • Identifying the process variables in the manufacturing stage.
  • Preparing a production plan.

Each of the steps is usually supported by various activities to ensure quality is maintained. The most common way of ensuring quality standards are met is to have documentation reviewed at design reviews toward the end of each step. The design review activities include:

  • Reviewing documents to make sure the design is what is needed and then placing them in a baseline of approved documents.
  • Ensuring changes to approved documents do not adversely impact on the design and then approving these changes to keep the baseline current.
  • Communicating the status of the documentation to team members to make sure staff are working with the current approved set of documentation.

Once the process is defined staff are trained about the process.

Projects and design teams are formed. A detailed timetable is made for each project with resource assignments.

The team carries out the design according to the plan. The plan is adjusted with current data.

The design process is monitored and performance assessed to improve the process.


Effective design teams have plan of how they are going to complete a project and use consensus to manage the design process.

The plan consists of a timetable with resource allocations or a project management plan.

Consensus building is a decision making process where the participants are involved in the decision and each person involved in the decision can live with the outcome.

Team members have effective behaviour by being supportive and non-critical. They are open to new ideas.

Since designing a product or service is a process, people need to be trained about how the process works and the tools used in the process.

The team uses the process and tools to implement the process.

As they are involved in the process they collect data on the process and design. The data will be used in the future to improve the design and the process.

QUALITIQUA | 1 (514) 694-2830 | info@qualitiqua.com |
© 2005 Qualitiqua. All Rights Reserved.

Simplify the design process and Six Sigma by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a design tool in a networked environment. Save time and money, manage teams and projects with TRACXS software.

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